Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nice Weather!

When we woke up it was -3 degrees outside!!! We still planned on going to church, until.....

Sean noticed that the back driverside tire was COMPLETELY flat! So I said lets take your car, he switched Caleb's and Julia's carseats and we got everbody in the car. He starts backing out of the driveway and backs into the ditch! Ok, I guess we can't go to church today!!!!


At Monday, February 11, 2008, Blogger Mommy of Four said...

I'm glad you guys didn't go. The roads should have been declared illegal to drive on. We had to go over to my parents' to say goodbye to my dad, and the roads were the second-worst I've ever driven (second to the blizzard I got caught in last year while trying to drive home from town!). Not to mention, the wind-chills had it at -27 degrees, and it was WAY too cold to bring little kiddos out on such a long walk from the car to the inside of the church! That's why we chose not to go. Dane couldn't even slowblow the driveway because he was in so much pain from the cold. No way we were making the kids go out in that!


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