Saturday, February 17, 2007


Caleb is already one month old!! I can't believe how fast time is going by. Caleb had his check up today and is 10 lbs 4 oz and 22'' long. He is right about 50th percentile for both weight and length. Poor little guy's baby acne is pertty bad right now. We were going to get his pictures taken, but I think I will just do my own in black and white so it doesn't show as bad. They did say he has an umbilical hernia (the opening in the belly button for the veins is wider than it should be), which I had never heard of before, but he said it should close up on its own. Caleb has been doing fairly well at night, usually doing a good 5 hr stretch, one night he even did 7!

I am definately tired though. Taking care of three little ones is a lot of work, not much time for anything else! Ethan and Julia are both doing well. Julia is going through a phase right now. Entering the terrible twos a little early!

We have been very busy lately, but I am too tired to update more, so until next time, enjoy some pictures!

Click on the picture below to see my latest pictures: